&#8734 mix 03 // gråtoner • rituels
&#8734 mix 02 // t_error 404
&#8734 mix 01 // Gohan • Nuits

// &#8734 mix three:
gråtoner • rituels

Following the winter solstice, captured by gråtoner, a new side of the night appears: journeys through the eras, time loops, encoded in the beats of dark techno and ambient drones, mysterious ceremonies and dust, that is moving slowly in the moonlight over the rite glades of abandoned city districts.

Следуя за зимним солнцестоянием, приходит новая сторона ночи, запечатлённая gråtoner: путешествия через эпохи, петли времени, закодированные в лупах тёмного техно и гуле эмбиента, загадочные церемонии и пыль, медленно движущаяся в свете луны над обрядовыми полянами заброшенных городских районов.

// Tracklist:

1. Muslimgauze - Return Of Black September (Return Of Black September / Staalplaat)
2. Ulver - Blood, Fire, Woods, Diamonds (Drone Activity / House of Mythology)
3. Vatican Shadow - Voices Came Crackling Across A Motorola Hand-Held Radio (Ghosts Of Chechnya / Hospital Productions)
4. Ricardo Tobar - If I Love You (Samuel Kerridge Remix) (If I Love You / Desire Records)
5. OAKE - Hélicorde (Monad XXIV / Stroboscopic Artefacts)
6. ATOE - III. Lesser Curse (Lesser Curse / Antagonist Field)
7. Pact Infernal - Render unto Moloch (The Gehenna Odyssey / Altar)
8. Abdulla Rashim - Red Uprise (Unanimity / Northern Electronics)
9. Ultima Anima - Incarnate (Mors Omnibus I / Altar)
10. Acronym - Epiphyte (River Red Gum / Northern Electronics)
11. Docetism - Sebum (Misanthropy / Nichts)
12. Diagnose: Lebensgefahr - Tillsammans Men Ensam I Stillhetens Kapell (Transformalin / Infinite Fog Productions, HAL)
13. Diagnose: Lebensgefahr - Obducentens Dröm (Transformalin / Infinite Fog Productions, HAL)

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// &#8734 mix two:
t_error 404

Empty streets of megacities, reflections of luminous shop windows and underground clubs for artificial lifeforms. Another key for the doors to parallel nightworlds crafted by t_error 404.

Пустые улицы мегаполисов, отражения светящихся витрин на мокром асфальте и подпольные клубы для искусственных форм жизни. Очередной ключ для проникновения в параллельные ночные вселенные, на этот раз предоставленный t_error 404.

// Tracklist:

1. t_error 404 - Facet
2. SNTS - Leniency
3. Access To Arasaka - Darkroom
4. Kenji Kawai - Nightstalker (2.0 Ver.)
5. Last Delay - Jail
6. Mimic Mind - Human Error
7. Insulator Project - Mad Slowness
8. Orphx - Preta Loka
9. Access To Arasaka - - - -
10. Gridlock - Ash
11. Dismantled - Subcore

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// &#8734 mix one:
Gohan • Nuits

Amazing mixture of blues, world music, sounds of authentic instruments and soft synth ambient, collected and sprinkled with a vinyl crackles by Gohan, that carries listener right into the middle of the night.

Удивительная смесь из блюза, этнических напевов, звучания аутентичных инструментов и мягкого синтезаторного эмбиента, собранная Gohan, присыпанная виниловым хрустом и переносящая слушателя прямо в центр ночи.

// Tracklist:

1. Blind Willie Johnson - Dark Was The Night
2. Tengir-Too - Fantasy On The Chopo Choor
3. Serge Bulot – Euryale
4. Roberto Music - Claudia, Wilhelm R And Me
5. Suso Saiz - Ceniza Húmeda
6. Dedekind Cut – Integra
7. Fennesz – Rivers of Sand
8. Robbie Basho – Leaf In The Wind
9. Morteza Mahjubi – Dashti
10. Moon – The Bitter End
11. Dices, AEM Rhythm Cascade – Pacific
12. Iury Lech - Cuando Rocío dispara sus flechas
13. Andrew Pekler - Music To Sleep Walk By
14. Osvaldo Golijov - Veronica's Nightmare
15. David Toop & Max Eastley – City of Night
16. Holger Czukay & Rolf Dammers – Boat Woman Song
17. Marilyn Mazur's Future Song - Back to Dreamfog Mountain
18. Geinoh Yamashirogumi – Dolls Polyphony
19. The Caretaker - Now The Night Is Over And The Dawn Is About To Break
20. BFC – Sleep
21. Gaussian Curve – Broken Clouds

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